Zénit The Studio
The Studio is a modern space, equipped with the latest technology. With 500m2 and right in the center of Madrid, you can carry out your events, presentations, press conferences, filming, live broadcasts, showroom, anything you can imagine... You will be able to count on the advice and experience of our team at all times.
Total surface area 500 m2.
Reception 85 m2.
The Studio Room: 200 m2.
Coconut 1 Room: 40 m2.
Coconut 2 Room: 40 m2.
Storerooms-services: 90 m2.
Technical control.
Our main room of the space is 200 m2 open plan and has a minimum height of 4.30 m.
It is conditioned and acoustically isolated so that events or filming have the best sound.
It has air conditioning and an advanced air purification system.
The room can be directly accessed by vehicle (only for presentations).
We include 50 chairs for the public.